After a successful event in castle Ozeljan this years March, Slovenia goes Hardcore and Factory of Sound returns to northern Primorska, namely in Zeleni gaj in Dornberk near Nova Gorica. A better edition of the event is in a preparation, the night is combined of various concepts of musical styles of Hardcore. This time, we will travel from Early Hardcore, Hardcore through Uptempo to Industrial Hardcore and Terror ending. All corners of the dancefloor will shake. From Austria is coming Uptempo artist by name RAGETRAIN. Of course, FoS residents can not miss that one out: PAYMON and HYPERSTATE, who do not need any special presentation. This time, Paymon will undust his older vinyl and take us on a trip to Industrial Hardcore and Terror sounds. With support of local artits KΣΣП and CVEKO.

10 hours of finest Hardcore music awaits us, to dance the night away and to practice Hakken steps. Tickets for the event are available on the link www.factoryofsound.si or at physical locations around Slovenia: PETROL | 3DVA kiosks | SHELL. For Croatia: TISAK and GHETALDUS. Get your ticket today and join us at this hardest night. Welcome to Zeleni gaj at 19th October. Hardcore is our Religion!