Paymon had his first contact with electronic music when he was only 12 years old when he got his first Rave CD. Since then he is hooked on this music. He grew up with sounds of Thunderdome and Scooter, and DJs like Marusha and Carl Cox. Sometime later he spun for the first time commercial music with CD-players, and at that time he decided to buy his equipment, as he knew he wants to play music for the crowd, which gives him enthusiasm and energy in what he loves - playing music. He bought his first turntables and mixer and started to learn the art of spinning in the rhythms of Techno, which he later replaced with harder and faster beats of Hardtechno and Schranz. But he was still finding himself, search for the sound he would like the most, and he found it in Hardcore. And with producers like Tieum, Ophidian, Stormtrooper, Neophyte, Satronica, Lenny Dee, Delta9, and Industrial Terror Squad he finally found his style - a unique mix of Industrial and Hardcore. Which later also got inserts from Drum'n'Bass. He is also a big enthusiast of Drum'n'Bass, especially of Industrial kind. In later years he also rediscovered old and happy Hardcore, and today at times he also likes to play this style of music. He is also one of the active promoters of harder music in Slovenia for many years, first under the organization Hard Destruction Movement, today under Factory of Sound. He has a lot of new plans for the future, which will for sure be interesting. He hopes that Hardcore in Slovenia will rise again, as it already did, and more people will come to hear them play.


Side project: FUSION REACTOR
Booking contact:


Rave Frequencies – Hard Frequency stage @ Eksperiment bar (14.12.2024) | Uptempo, Frenchcore, Piep, Terror (set02)

Rave Frequencies – Hard Frequency stage @ Eksperiment bar (14.12.2024) | Millenium (set01)

Journey to Hardcore, Vol.09 | Travel through Hardcore sound 1990-2024 @ MIKK Murska Sobota (16.11.2024)

Slovenia goes Hardcore | Trip to Primorska! @ Zeleni gaj (19.10.2024) | All vinyl Set02

Slovenia goes Hardcore | Trip to Primorska! @ Zeleni gaj (19.10.2024) | Set01

Slovenia goes Hardcore | Ljubljana edition @ Publika bar (28.9.2024)

Promo mix | recorded @ castle MS & MIKK club | July 2024

Mjav Mjav: Mission Prekmurje @ MIKK (27.4.2024)

Journey to Hardcore, Vol.08 | Vinyl @ Grad Ozeljan (31.3.2024)

Journey to Hardcore, Vol.08 @ Grad Ozeljan (31.3.2024)

Mariborska praln’ca 10 @ Festivalna dvorana Lent (25.11.2023)

Back to the Underground @ Wax2 club (15.7.2023)

Longa Nocte @ Lux club Maribor (24.6.2023)

Mariborska praln’ca 8 @ Festivalna dvorana Lent (27.5.2023)

Mariborska praln’ca 7 @ Festivalna dvorana Lent (25.2.2023)

Croatia goes Hardcore @ Depo club (15.10.2022)

Harder Styles Madness – Agenda Hardcore / Hardstyle (23.4.2022) @ Taverna, Koper

Journey to Hardcore, Vol.05 | Part.02 – Hardcore to Uptempo/Frenchcore @ Vrhnika (8.1.2022)

Journey to Hardcore, Vol.05 | Old-School Happy Hardcore @ Vrhnika (8.1.2022)

Mariborska praln’ca – Washing stream – We want you to listen! – Vol. 3 (short Hardcore closing session) (12.12.2020)