We got to see the 10th edition of the Mariborska praln'ca, who would have thought it would take us this far! It was a beautiful journey to get here, full of memories, hard work and your immense energy. We will meet again on November 25, 2023, starting at 6 pm in Eksperiment bar, because we can not do without warmin up, before the main event in Festivalna dvorana Lent.

The best music on two stages and plenty of dancing and more awaits us. Main stage will for the first time host German Techno virtuoso SEBASTIAN GROTH, who will take us on an unforgettable dance adventure. For the last time in Slovenia, we will host on stage a German legend of Hardtechno scene, SUTURA, who left a big mark with his music and performances. Sutura will say goodby to his DJ career at the end of the year, so this is one-time or last-time opportunity for you to hear him and that we together walk him into his well-deserved retirment. An artist with a stage name A.R.T., which stands for Acid, Raw, Techno will come to the stage from neighboring Croatia. Another artist will join us, an artist named HELL-X, who will come directly from hell to the stage of Mariborska praln'ca. Warm up will be taken care by MAJKL M and ØMNIUS. Residents GIGI and PLAZ will have the last word with their Hardtechno sounds.

On the second stage, the hardest beats of electronic music awaits us, namely Hardstyle and Hardcore. For the first time, a guest from the Netherlands will be with us, a Hardcore legend by the name of FURYAN. This is an opportunity for everyone, who loves this harder music. From neighboring Austria, a Hard Session Events team will join us, their residents are DTS, JABBAWOOKY and SEROFEX will provide an excellent selection of music. This time, PAYMON will be presenting his project FUSION REACTOR, and something new is in the mix, so it is definitely not to be missed. FoS residents HYPERSTATE and PEKYX will join us. One will take care of the warm-up session, the other will be ending the evening.

Tickets are already on sale and you can secure them online at www.factoryofsound.si or at physical locations in Slovenia: OMW or 3DVA kiosk (locations HERE).